Jika Address Bar hilang dari kawasan toolbar Windows Explorer (lihat bahagian bertanda "??" di atas), ia mungkin berlaku kerana setting untuk Address Bar telah tidak dipilih (lihat gambar di bawah).
Klik pada menu "Address Bar" dan anda sepatutnya dapat melihat semula Address Bar tersebut.
Jika Address Bar sudah dipilih namun masih tiada kelihatan pada tool bar, pastikan menu "Lock the Toolbars" tidak ditandakan. Anda sepatutnya sudah boleh melihat Address Bar sekarang, setidak-tidaknya pada bahagian kanan toolbar. Heret Address Bar semula ke bahagian kiri.
Jika masih tidak kelihatan, ada kemungkinan ketetapan pada Windows Registry sudah berubah.
Klik "Start/Run" dan taip "REGSVR32 /i BROWSEUI.DLL" dan tekan "OK".
If the Address Bar disappeared from the toolbar of Windows Explorer (see the section marked "?" Above), it could happen because the settings for the Address Bar was not selected (see picture below).
Click on the "Address Bar" and you should be able to see again the Address Bar.
If the Address Bar has been selected but still not visible on the tool bar, make sure the "Lock the Toolbars" is not checked. You should be able to see the Address Bar now, at least on the right side of the toolbar. Drag the Address Bar to the left.
If still not visible, it is possible that the setting in the Windows Registry has changed.
Click the "Start / Run" and type "regsvr32 / i BROWSEUI.DLL" and press "OK".